Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Microwave And Cataracts

We walked in the pouring rain, but happily, it was very mild.  Dennis and Bill came early to pronounce my microwave dead; gave me a good price for install it, so I guess I'll let them do it.
Stopped at Parkertown Auto on my way to Manahawkin and got an appointment to take my little darlin' in on Thursday morning.  Poor thing, there's a thermostat problem.
Ran a lot of errands, including buying a new microwave at Home Depot. However, they had none in stock (another not-so-subtle hint about the economy, which I think a lot of people overlook) and it won't be delivered until next Tuesday. Poor, beleaguered me, I'll have to wash pans until then, I suppose.
Speaking of which: I bought chicken thighs (I like dark meat best--more flavorful, sez I) and immediately fired up the stove to roast them.  Diced onions and garlic and will stir-fry, then combine with pasta and sauce for dinner.
I spent some time getting to know my new Tablet and impulsively called my nephew, Dave, in Rome.  Was connected right away, but they keep the video part turned off to save the battery.  Had a quick little chat with them, though.
It seems my children are concerned about my cataracts: I've been pressured by two of them already and last evening, got a Skype call from K.'s Dad in Tokyo.  He requested--demanded?--that I make an appointment to have them removed.  Okay, okay.  He's even going to call me back tonight to make sure I did it.  A drag, but I'll do it.  At least I got a chance to see adorable little K. in all his four-month-old preciousness.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...