Monday, January 13, 2014

A Secret

Lots of household chores, computer stuff, and line rehearsal most of the day until late afternoon.  I then drove up to my friend's house to see--and experience--their latest acquisition.  Wow, it's incredible!
But I'm sworn to secrecy, and can't reveal what I'm talking about, so maybe I'm not making a lot of sense.  Anyway, I declined their dinner invitation in order to get home before dark, but had a great time.
Ellen called to say that, as usual, when she Skyped me, it didn't go through, so I had to Skype her.  I used the Tablet to do it, and it went through immediately, but for some reason, my picture didn't show up.  She called me back on the desktop and--not sure why--but this time it went through.  Mysterious.
Had a good chat and was also able to say hello to Gregg, who walked in during our call.

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