Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dust And So On

Bestirred myself to de-dust over the stove and nearby kitchen wall, then scrub the cabinet over the (defunct) microwave.  Must prepare for the installation of the new, although that won't be until next Sunday.
Judy called and asked me to come up with 35 questions for the silly quiz she always conducts at Dine Around.  Will do.  She told me that not only Leslie and Dennis (who are in the group) are going, but so are Frank and Barbara as guests.  I was going to call one of them and ask if Aline and I could sit with them, but before I had a chance, Leslie called and asked if we'd like to do just that.  Yes, indeed.
We then had a long, long talk--for more than an hour, in fact, ranging over our usual topics of pacifism, family matters, and the state of the world.
Vaguely intending to go to Target or somewhere in Manahawkin, I got in the car and started up Route 9.  However, I really didn't feel like shopping, the weather was rainy and gray, and I simply turned around after twenty minutes or so, and came home.  No harm done, as I took my tape recorder and practiced my lines as I drove, and it felt good to get out of the house.
After dinner, I was able to Skype the Tokyo Trio--it was early morning for them--on my new Tablet and see precious little K. just as he got up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...