Friday, January 03, 2014

Nothin' Much

Yesterday, a whole bunch of nothin' much.  Spent a lot of time on the computer and did a few household chores.  Dennis and Bill came over to change my filter and blow out my drier line--sounds kinda risque, doesn't it?--and I mentioned my barely-functioning kitchen light.  Bill looked, said the ballast needed to be replaced, and I said I'd just get a new fixture.  I've disliked that one for the ten years I've been here, but never enough to replace it.
Went to Acme and got supplies, then out again when I had a sudden hankering for bean soup.  Got white beans, spinach, tomatoes and onions, and put them to simmering with some beef bones I had in the freezer.  It made a huge amount and came out pretty good.  Had some for dinner and froze a lot.
Paid (electronically, of course) a lot of bills and did a bit of other bookkeeping. I should turn my attention to dealing with the paperwork on my desk.
Looks as if the TV is gone for sure; again, only snow yesterday.  One of these days, I'll buy a new one, but for now, I can just use the computer.
Dear Ma Nature,
Your winter wonderland out there is very pretty, but inconvenient, so please get rid of it quickly.  Thanks.
Yours Truly, Mimi

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...