Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Comcast And Manufactured Fear

Aside from the hassling from Comcast, it was a nice day.  Talked to Aline early and we made a date for manicures and lunch on Wednesday.  The plan had been for Betty to come yesterday and stay over two nights, so she would join us.  But she decided it would be best to stay around Ventnor where she could oversee the ice palace.  She's staying at Mary H.'s, but will soon move into a Margate apartment owned by friends of hers.  She suggested she come up, anyway, so we could go to Cuisine On The Green.
She did, and we had a good lunch.  Betty treated, as she had given me an "I'll treat you to lunch" gift for our birthday.  After, she came back to the house and we had a good chat.
Betty left at 3:00 and Desi and Frank came over shortly after.  We sat and talked for a bit and formulated some vague plans for publicizing Hedda, which included--wouldn't you know--some work by me.  Desi, incidentally, didn't even ask how much the scripts were; hope he doesn't have the vapors when I submit the $179 receipt.
My friend called to say she'd take me to the eye doctor today, because of the great snowstorm predicted.  Supposed to be 3 to 5 inches.  Or more.  Or less.  But whatever, it will shut down all human endeavors on the eastern seaboard, paralyze travel, and result in the death by freezing of at least 30,000 people.  Per day.
That's what one might suppose if one watches television, reads newspapers, or checks the weather on-line.  Fear seems now to be the driving force of modern life.  It's certainly effective in keeping the populace in line and ever willing to relinquish any and all human rights--look at the GWOT and how the sheeple go along with its idiocies.  That, combined with the insatiable need of the mainstream media to fill air and print space--and always, always, in the most dramatic and overwrought way--results in the steady erosion of anything like a rational response to ordinary, everyday winter weather.    


Jim Wetzel said...

Hey, what are you doing writing a blog? Shouldn't you be out buying emergency bread and milk?

Don't you know ... if you run out, the terrorists win! :-)

Mimi said...

Very funny!
But, wait who this "Jim Wetzel," anyway? I've seen pictures of him and, even without the turban, he sure looks shifty-eyed and suspicious to me. Hello--hello, NSA? I've got a tip for you...


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...