Saturday, January 18, 2014

Luncheon And Rogue Government

A very pleasant day.  I walked across the street to Susan's about 1:00 and we repaired to Cuisine On The Green.  I drove with Julie and Sophia, and Susan and Walter followed in their car.
The restaurant was nicely filled--but not uncomfortably crowded--which I was glad to see, as I want the new people to succeed.  I vacillated back and forth--a hamburger, the broccoli and cheese over pasta?--and finally settled on the sesame chicken Aline likes.  It was superb and everybody else liked their lunches: two fish fries, a hamburger, and a BLT.  We also had drinks, of course--Blue Moons for Walter and me, and soda for the other three.  The bill was an ouch-producer: with tip, it came to to eighty dollars and change. However, I was glad to treat, as Susan has been very generous and hospitable to me over many years.
After we got home, I drove to Staples and picked up the scripts.  They came to a few cents short of a hundred and eighty bucks, but hey, I'll be reimbursed.
I called Naomi to see if I had left my umbrella cover in her car on Tuesday and we had a long talk.  She has some long-standing hangups, that's a cinch, but nevertheless, I enjoy her and we made a date for lunch next Friday.
Now I want to relax a bit; Players & Playwrights tomorrow.
WIDER: Sheldon Richman again hits it out of the park with this one:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...