Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yet Another

Yet another grueling day.  I made a last(?) batch of Nana Mix and packed it up to send to nephew, Dave, in Rome.  Since he had named it, I thought that was appropriate.  A slew of communications had come in for Mike, so I put all in a big envelope; then I addressed and stamped the seven cards for the seven little guys, plus four more for their dads and mums.
It snowed, starting right after we got home from our walk,  I hate to mention that, because considering the usual hype, you'd think we were in the Antarctic.  As somebody remarked on Facebook, "the prediction was three to five inches, not feet," so what was the fuss about?  All I know is, I drove to Kohl's to get three final gifts and the roads and sidewalks were clear.
Took the stuff to the P.O. and stopped into the nail place to make an appointment for a pedicure for this morning; I'll be in Florida, after all, and will be hanging at the pool.
Sliced and diced garlic, onions, and my last tomato, stirred-fried them and put it over angel hair pasta; very tasty.  Leslie called and we chatted a bit.  I'll be picking her up today for the Women's Club luncheon at SeaOaks.
Did wash, packed more, made yet more lists, and did a bunch of other mundane stuff, and that was my day.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...