Saturday, December 07, 2013

Amazon And Lunch

On a dark and dreary day, I picked up my argument with Amazon and Amazon Japan, but finally, after several hours, talking to five different people, changing my password several times, I gave up.
Made up two batches of "Nana Mix," packed and wrapped one and, along with two other Christmas gifts for the kiddies, sent it off.  I hate to record what the postage was for all three, so won't.
Went from the P.O. to the bus stop to pick up Aline about 2:00.  She had insisted on taking me to lunch for my birthday (looming, but not yet here) and I had chosen Cuisine On The Green, the restaurant under new management at Atlantis golf course.  I was surprised to see perogies on the menu and that's what I ordered. Very tasty and we had a fine time.  Didn't get back home until 4:30 and found an e-mail from Bessie F., asking if I'd "tweak" an article she wrote for The Breeze.  
I get similar requests fairly often and I don't mind, especially if the piece is already on a document or reasonably presented otherwise.  This was and was well done otherwise; I simply enlivened it a bit.
It was raining at 7:00 and I considered skipping the holiday sing-along, but went down to the clubhouse after all.  It was pleasant and I had a glass of (spiked) eggnog, but the program was a bit longer than usual and I stayed only a short time after.
Now some of the pressure to get Christmas presents sent off is over and I want to turn my attention to my travelling plans.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...