Sunday, December 22, 2013

Joint Birthday Party

Again, I'm just going to skim over yesterday's events; there was just too much to record with any details.  Went out to breakfast with Ellen, then--what?  Just don't recall the early middle of the day, but we picked up Gregg about 2:00 and went to niece Carolyn's for the joint birthday party for my twin and me.
Had a ball.  Lots of people there, including my brother Frank and his Marybeth, down from Alameda, his two daughters and their families, ditto, plus friends of various segments.  Wonderful food, good chats and laughs.  Son Patrick had gotten in touch earlier and had set up a joint Skype/Google call with him, my other two children, and Ellen and me.  Unfortunately, with all the noise, confusion, time differences, and other complications, it didn't happen.  I did get a phone call from other daughter during the party, wishing me a happy birthday, and I so appreciate the effort.
The incredible present from my four darling children: a Tablet! I love it already and Ellen is downloading all kinds of things, such as my e-mail, FB, and this blog.
We were able to get to Mike on the phone when we got home and talked briefly to him and his little girls.  Tried to Skype P., but he was off line.  I hope we can catch up with each other soon; would especially love to virtually visit with them on my new Tablet.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...