Monday, December 23, 2013


Another skimmer:
We went to Katherine's where I bought a sweater, then to Nordstrom's for a jacket.  After lunch, I took a nap--my cold is worse than ever and includes a racking cough and all the other fun things--while E. took care of household stuff.
Gregg came about 6:00 and the three of us went to the Rubicon Theatre in Ventura to see Little Miss Scrooge.  It was very funny, not a kid's show, but a musical comedy, a parody of A Christmas Carol that incorporated a lot of other Dickens references and situations. Equity, of course, and according to the program, the goal is to open on Broadway next season.  Considering that's the aim of all those involved with every other show, lotsa luck with that.
When we got home, the three of us played gin rummy again.  Unlike the other night at Gregg's when I won almost every hand and the game, I fell into the hole almost immediately and barely got out.  No matter, it was a lot of fun.
I took Nyquil last night and slept better than I had before, but the cold is really a drag.  I just have to treat the symptoms, then ignore it.
Got new pics of adorable baby boy, K., and enjoyed them so much.  I still haven't gotten together with my other children on Skype and hope we can at least do that on Christmas.
Today, we might go to the Santa Barbara Botanical Gardens or somewhere else.  I don't care where, as long as I'm with my girl and her guy.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...