Friday, December 06, 2013


Yet another busy day, pre-Christmas day.  Sent off the horrendously expensive Hawaiian shirt to son, Mike--maybe he was indulging himself for his birthday--and paid extra to have it tracked.  (Well, he paid extra, that is, having generously put $500 in my BOA account for postage through the year.)
Tried to track down my cousin by marriage, Joe D., from whom I haven't heard for several years.  Went into White Pages and other sites, but his old address and phone number are still listed.  Called and the phone is disconnected.  Called my sister-in-law, Regina, to tell her and we chatted.  I have another angle to try, but then I give up.
Met Betty for lunch at the Tilton Inn, a somewhat mediocre bar/restaurant near Boscov's.  Had my frequent choice, a hamburger and Yingling (SpellCheck doesn't know, either),  then stopped at Canal's for wine, the 69 cent store for napkins (why pay more?), Bam!, and The Christmas Tree Shop, where I got presents for the girls and little K.  I still have an enormous amount to do before I go to Florida, then California.
Didn't get home until dark, but it was a full, satisfying day.


Jim Wetzel said...


That's some good beer. One of the better things about traveling east.

Mimi said...

You mean, you Puritans in the middle lands actually like beer? Oh, wait..."Wetzel"--of course!

Jim Wetzel said...

When my son used to live near Philadelphia (West Chester, it was) he was greatly enthused for a local brewery called, I believe, Victory. Once when I visited him there I enjoyed a product of theirs called "Hop Devil." Tasty, but I'd still reach past it for a Yuengling's. That's something I discovered while assigned briefly to Rochester, NY, on the former day job.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...