Monday, December 09, 2013

White Christmas

White Christmas was a joyous treat, but what came after really wasn't. (I was apprehended by her cousin/Who happened to be the police chief there/I was tried, convicted, and got the chair.)*
Backing up:  When Susan and I walked, it was cold and the skies were cloudy, just a normal December morning.  Showered and changed and set off for Surflight about noon.  Got there in 40 minutes or so, just as the LETCO trinity, Desi, Jim, and Mary, plus Kevin, were arriving; Ellen and Tonya came soon after.  We were about in the middle of the theatre, but there are no bad seats at Surflight, so we could see fine.  
The show was so good and so full of wonderful singing, dancing, and acting--most of the players are equity, except for Rick M., who's in our group--that I enjoyed it immensely.  However, it's been years since I've seen the movie version--it always bored me--and I had forgotten the military angle.  The sketchy "plot," involves a crusty old former general who really has a heart of gold and his men just worship him and will follow him to hell and back and if it means offing a few foreign devils, well the world's better off without them, anyway.
But okay, I just mentally noted--for the millionth time--how deeply we're indoctrinated with the ideas like this and was able to enjoy the show.
BUT:  At intermission, we looked out the lobby windows to see SNOW blanketing all surfaces and it was still coming down!  I was slightly uneasy during the second half, wondering about driving home, but enjoyed it anyway.  It ended with a big, schmaltzy finale--everybody loves those and I'm no exception--with fake snow floating down onto the audience.  It was terrific.
What came after: I was dismayed to see a sign on the door cautioning Surflight attendees that the steps and sidewalks were slippery and my heart sank.  I had parked across and 'way down from the theatre and was seriously worried about getting there.  As I was pondering the situation, a very nice young man who had cleared the sidewalk, asked if he could escort me to my car.
I accepted with grateful thanks and took "Eric's" arm to make it easily to the car. I asked if he was a performer himself (he's very handsome) and he said no, but his husband was the music director.  It was so nice of him to take me to the car and I was able to clear it off without too much trouble.
It took me about twice as long to get home as usual.  Not only was the snow a hazard, but my windshield keeps fogging up so I can't see to drive.  However, I finally made it, noting as I do so many times, how much I appreciate my garage, and got into the house.
Had my weekly Skype call from Ellen (with Gregg preparing the meal, as usual, behind her in the kitchen) and we had a good chat.  Can't wait to see her and to meet him in person.
Today, it's going to be all making and baking.
* Lines from my playlet Hell On Wheels which we performed in the show last week; couldn't resist.

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