Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Busy all day.  Spent most of it baking chocolate delight bars and on another batch of Nana Mix.  The latter is the Chex cereal snack, but with a kick: My mother thought their version was bland, so added chili powder; she was too cheap to put in mixed nuts, so substituted peanuts (being a spendthrift, I use cashews).  Incidentally, when she first started making it, there were no microwaves; you had to do it in the regular oven.
I used to make the cookies years ago and was pleased to have found the recipe on line.  It's labor-intensive--I should have remembered that--as you have to prepare it in three stages.  It's also hard to cut when it's finished.  However, the cookies are delicious and I'll take a tin of them to Florida.
I packed up the Nana Mix and went to the post office to send off to Wellsboro.
Also put in my little gift for the boys: a subscription to Highlights magazine.
Bessie F. called to say she couldn't open the article I tweaked for her, so I had to copy, then put it in the body of an e-mail.  I found out later how to remedy this. Bessie then called again to tell me how much she liked the revision I did; just jazzed it up a little.
My friend stopped late in the day to pick something up and I gave her my three poinsettias, too.  Then, hearing we're supposed to have snow today, I drove to Wal-Mart to pick up my medication.    
By the time I got home, it was after 5:00 and, boy, was I tired.  However, I wasn't too tired to greatly enjoy a Skype call from precious little K. in Tokyo.  What a darling baby--and so active and alert!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...