Saturday, October 01, 2011

Susan's back and we walked together. Of course, they had a fabulous time in Europe and she brought me an interesting little container shaped like Italy, containing "Lemonella," some kind of liqueur.
Set up my onion and pepper mix in the small crock pot, then went to Boscov's to look for valences for my room. Found some that matched the bench seat cover (pale gold), but will wait to see if I want to get them. Stopped at Produce Junction and got two baskets and some cute Halloween lights I'll send to the kids in Wellsboro.
Called sister Betty, who will be back Wednesday--I think.
A visitor from the north stopped in to see if she wanted any of the priceless objects--read "junk"--I cleared out, and she took two bird books.
Went to Manahawkin and rented Wall Street--the 20th anniversary edition--which niece Joan had recommended and I always intended to see. Watched part, but for some reason, lost interest and went to bed. Maybe I'll try one of the others she mentioned (V For Vendetta and The Game) when we talked the other day.
WIDER: I'm old enough to remember the horror and shock of U.S. politicians and their constituents at the Soviet Union's tendency to execute their own people without due process. Now, as Glenn Greenwald points out, we've embraced that exciting concept with the murder of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen:
But ho-hum, what else is new?

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

You know, Mimi, I'm sure that murder-from-on-high actually isn't new. What's especially distressing now is that they're no longer bothering to pretend that We Don't Do That. They don't pretend because they know they don't have to. And that is very bad indeed.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...