Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Got yay-many errands and chores done yesterday. After exercise and breakfast, went to Manahawkin and dropped off the movie; rented The Game. Went to Kohl's to again try to find the Nike sneaks I like and found they're discontinued. (Story of my life? No, not really.) Stopped at Shop-Rite for a few things.
Home for lunch, then drove the opposite direction to Produce Junction and exchanged the baskets I had bought the other day. I want them for my closet shelves and the other ones were too high. Stopped at Santori's in the rain for fresh feta only to find they're again out. Picked up green leaf lettuce and tomatoes, though.
Made several calls that had been hanging and am at least starting to make a dent in my obligations--which really aren't that onerous, in fact.
All day, dark clouds were hanging heavily in the air and it rained part of time. Often, this makes me mildly depressed, but not yesterday.
Today, I'll see Lucy at Surflight Theatre. Hope Long Beach Island isn't flooded as it often is in parts and was on Sunday.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...