Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Had a fabulous time at Surflight. Thanks to Fred D., who insisted on giving me the ticket, I was practically IN Lucy--front row center. After a few minutes, a youngish (45 or so) sat next to me. He was alone, also, and we struck up a conversation. I learned he lives in North Brunswick and is in administration at Hamilton High, near where I lived. He's a big Lucy fan and also has acted in little theatre groups, so we hit it off immediately and I enjoyed being with him through the show. As for me, I was never a fan and I thought the show would be a re-hash of old I love Lucy bits, but it wasn't. It was about Lucille Ball herself, not only in her character of Lucy. It lasted about two hours, with only one person in the cast. However, she conducted a faux question and answer period and the "questioners" were heard on recordings.
The dialogue--monologue--was funny, but also poignant at times. After, an enjoyable addition was the surprise presence of Lucie Arnaz, who was a co-writer and director of the show. She sat on stage with Suzanne LaRusch and field real questions from the audience. She's over sixty, but is in great shape and was answered questions with warm and casual grace. The whole experience was wonderful.
Called Marge and Fred when I got home and will go over to tell them about it tomorrow.
WIDER: Here's retired general Wesley Clark, while expressing his enthusiasm for murder in an article in the UK Guardian:
"'For the United States, the journey continues: Awlaki’s death … moves us closer to the time when we must transition, psychologically and practically, from being a nation under threat to a nation that once again champions its openness and welcome to the whole world.'”
"Openness and welcome?" Wha? Who in the HELL would want to be "welcomed" to a place whose citizens celebrate the just plain murder of, not only those pesky foreigners, but their fellow citizens?
Words fail me.

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