Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can't wait for the week to be over.
But I repeat myself.
Got to Naomi's at 10:00 and explained my idea about featuring one of her "Postcards From The Heart" every month in The Breeze. She agreed and also agreed to submit them herself--I don't want to take that on, too. Stayed chatting with her an hour, then went next door to Mike and Mariettta C.'s to interview them.
Mike is the customer service rep for the solar panels that half the people in Sunrise Bay seem to be getting installed (including yours truly). While I was there, I gave him my survey. It was a good session and I took their picture to add.
Home for lunch, then went to the library where "Ocean County Day" was being held. It was jammed and I ran into a few people I know. Picked up some info, but mostly went to put up Moon Over Buffalo flyers. Stopped at the post office and bank to do the same. I'm glad I had them enlarged at Staples--they're much more noticeable among the many others.
Soon after, I settled down to actually write the article. Finished it in two hours or so--it's not bad, I guess--and e-mailed it to the C.'s, so they could check for errors. I was frustrated, though, because I wanted to change a word ("enhance" to "brighten") and the change just wouldn't stick. Yes, I clicked it closed and it asked if I wanted to save changes--"yes"--closed and when I went to send, the original word was still still. So annoying, but I let it go and if worse comes to worst, will have Natalie at the publishing company do it.
Also am having a problem sending Naomi's "postcard"; must call and ask her to do it.
And I still have to work on the rest of publicity for Moon!
Just to clear my head and get away, I drove to Manahawkin and picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner. Boy, I love those things dripping with grease and calories--it was delish.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...