Tuesday, October 25, 2011

As it turned out, Susan isn't back yet, after all, so I walked alone. (Hey, wouldn't that make a great song? Let's see: "I'll Walk Alone...") Went to exercise, too.
Later, drove to Santori's and got cabbage, lettuce, feta; then to Shop-Rite for other stuff. Went to the cemetery and was pleased to see the mums and Mexican heather at Pat's grave are blooming nicely.
Home for lunch, then stopped into Frank and Barbara's next door to welcome them back from their long trip. Visited for twenty minutes or so and told Frank about my progess on publicity for Moon. Called the person from up north and she'll be here today to help me with a few chores.
Because I get a little down--well, lonely--late in the date, I drove to Target in Manahawkin about 5:30 and picked up paper towels and a few other things.
Hmm...I was actually pretty busy yesterday, but reading this over, it doesn't seem so.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...