Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lots going on. Spent the morning making up Moon flyers and on clarifying the "Classified" section for The Breeze. Took the fifty-mile round trip to Produce Junction for veggies and stopped at the cemetery to water. Back home for lunch, then went ten miles in the opposite direction to Manahawkin to duplicate the flyers and have some enlarged. Went to Shop-Rite and the dollar store, then to A.C. Moore to pick up a darling little lighted pumpkin that I need like a hole in the head. (But it looks so cute in the foyer.)
Back home, I e-mailed the person at the Atlantic City Press who does the "Everyone Has a Story" column to see if she'd be interested featuring Jim and Mary H., and their daughter, Brittany, all of whom are in Moon. She replied that it sounded great and asked for their contact info.
Checking over my e-mail again, I saw one from my friend, Marilyn, reminding me I had said I'd look over her friend, Clorida's resume. Ouch! She had sent it to me a few weeks ago, I meant to go over it, then completely forgot about it. I wrote back with apologies and will try to do it tomorrow.
Today, I'm going to Naomi P.'s at 10:00 to go over her "postcards"--original verses and graphics--that I suggested we include as a monthly addition to The Breeze. At 11:00, I interview the C.'s, who happen to live next door to Naomi. Must write up their profile, send it to check for accuracy, then get it to Senior Publishing on Friday.
Whew! Can't wait 'til the week is over.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...