Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Susan had an early doctor's appointment and I slept until 7:45, for heaven's sake! I was delighted to get a Skype call from P. and N. shortly after that. Didn't walk and didn't go to exercise--I'm getting to be a slug-abed, I'm afraid.
Leslie's and my plans to go to lunch and the thrift store in Manahawkin fell through when Leslie stopped in to tell me she had hurt her back. Just as well, maybe, as I was able to finish up some work for The Breeze and start on some for Moon.
Cleared out more in the guest room, removed the old table and put the new in its place. I want to get a new lamp for that room, too. Had weeded out some books the other day and took a back seat full to donate to SOCH.
Scrubbed two pounds of carrots and put them, with a little oil and parsley, in the crock pot. Made a salad for lunch.
Was in touch by e-mail with others on The Breeze staff and suggested we feature Naomi P.'s "postcards"--with interesting graphics and spiritual--not to say, mystic--verses. Not my cup of tea, but I think they'll appeal to many of our residents.
WIDER: Again, words fail me. They've been failing me regularly as of late, but this--!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...