Friday, October 07, 2011

Busy, busy, even for me. I decided to see for myself the "no physician" thing at Little Egg's Atlanticare Family Medicine, where I've gone since I moved here. It seems the nurse practitioner is there solo, which is a bit disconcerting. I asked who handles this and was given the name of somebody on English Creek Road in Northfield. As I was going to the hospital to pick up my records, I extended my trip and stopped to see the person. She assured me they are interviewing and that the NP reports and works closely with a doctor, and that her credentials are "as good as a physician's." (Yeah? Then why isn't she a doctor?) Anyway, I'm just going to wait and see. Haven't looked at my records yet.
Stopped at S & M Produce (love the name) to get a few things. then zipped home for lunch and to prepare for The Breeze meeting. The big news is that Virginia H. has accepted the editor-in-chief job--yay! There has to be one person who can make decisions on her own as to what goes into the paper, who does what,and so on, and Virgina is a good person to handle it. Meeting took a lot longer than I thought it would, and I didn't get out of there until almost 4:00 Had told Marge I'd go over to tell her and Fred about the Lucille Ball Show they so kindly treated me to ("to which they so kindly treated me") about 3:00. Went over after, but Fred had had to go to Lowe's. I apologized, chatted with Marge, then went to Mastercraft because my A.C. isn't working in the car, went back and he still wasn't home.
Left and sat on Leslie's porch for a time while we made plans to go to the rally at the State House in Trenton to make the tenth anniversary of the Afghanistan war. Unfortunately, got an e-mail from Leslie this morning to say she can't go, as a friend is in crisis and asked to see her early. Well, I'll go by myself; no prob.
After dinner, went back to Marge's and Fred's on my way to the library. I was glad I did because Fred's face lit up when I described what a fabulous time I had at the show.
Last stop was the library and Acme for cottage cheese.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...