Friday, April 08, 2011

Wish we had another week to rehearse, but tonight's the night--opening night, that is. I feel prepared when it comes to my lines, but the blocking seems to constantly being changed, which makes me nervous. Instead of coming in from stage right for the wedding scene, all the "guests" are to come in from stage left, for instance.
In the afternoon, I attended a rather tedious Breeze meeting at the clubhouse. I don't have a thing for the May issue, but will try working on a piece on my mother, since Mother's Day is coming up.
Just hung up from a very welcome Skype call from P. and N. I was alarmed at the fact that an earthquake yesterday resulted in the death of two people. However, they didn't die from a building falling on them, but from pre-existing ailments. P. explained a bit about the radiation thing, too. Guess I'm a little relieved at that, but I'm still uneasily aware that the crises isn't over.
Must wash and press some of my on-stage clothes and check to see that all is in readiness. Looking forward to Joan and Jim's visit tomorrow and will apend part of the day preparing their bedroom and bath.


Anonymous said...

Break a leg! (Not literally, of course.)

Mimi said...

Thanks, Anon! (Not sure which Anon you are.)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...