Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lousy weather, but fun afternoon. It rained in sheets most of the day, but I got to Vincentown with no prob. Met Marilyn--always a pleasure--and we had lunch at the diner.
The Vincentown Diner is similar to Mastoris' Diner in Bordentown in that the food is unusually good for what seems at first glance to be a modest establishment. The clue is to note if the place is crowded and, boy, was it. However, it's very large--has even expanded since the days we used to stop there on our way to Ventnor. Lots of patrons on a rainy Saturday, but we were seated quickly.
Marilyn felt like brunch so got scrambled eggs and bacon and I don't consider that any kind of a test. If a restaurant doesn't do that well, you might as well scratch it off your list for good. However, I got a chicken pot pie, which I haven't had for years, and it was absolutely delish: lots of chicken in a creamy gravy, bright veggies, and a lovely puff pastry crust. This came with salad--I had Caesar and appreciated that I didn't have to suffer with iceberg lettuce--and nicely done string beans--frozen, sure, but bright green and not overdone--as well as mashed potatoes. A nice surprise was the fact that they carry several brands of locally-made beer. I had Cricket Beer, brewed right in Fairfield, N.J., and it was excellent.
After, we went to the big Columbus Farmers' Market and got a few things at the Amish section, then said goodbye. I'm pleased that Marilyn will meet me at the Rider Longtimers' gathering on May 4, and look forward to that.
Home about 4:00, still in driving rain, and stayed in the rest of the day.
Opera at the clubhouse today.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...