Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nice afternoon. It was farther than I had realized to Buena where sister-in-law Regina lives--fifty miles--but I got there with no problem on a bright and warm, perfectly lovely day.*
How good to see Regina again. Last time was at Bill's funeral more than a year ago, although we've talked on the phone a few times. After I got there, we chatted for a half hour or so, then left for Buena Tavern just a short distance away. Uh-oh: closed on Tuesday. Regina then directed me all the way to Vineland, where we had lunch at a small restaurant. We talked all over the map, of course, both about the brothers, our husbands, and newer stuff. Regina will be 85 on her next birthday, but certainly shows no signs of age when it comes to faculties and alertness. She drives only locally, but she drives, and visits her children often.
Back at the house, we visited a bit more. Regina showed me a book written by a professor in Spain, which was dedicated to Bill. He had been an exchange student and lived with them for a semester--what a nice thing to do. Said goodbye after a pleasant day.
WIDER: My sister-in-law proudly told me that she'll soon attend her granddaughter's graduation from Boston U. Said young woman has been or will be commissioned into the navy by her father, a retired commander. She aspires to then attend flight school so she can assist in hurling death and destruction at people around the world. Well, what the hell do you say about that to a doting grandmother? That you wonder how an attractive young person could entertain such a horror? That she's buying into the old lie? That she'll participate in state-supported atrocity? I just sighed and muttered that it was exciting news.
*Maybe a tad too lovely: The A.C. in my car isn't working and boy, was I sweating by the time I got home. Made an appointment for 10 today to get it looked at.

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