Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Went on my walk before 7:00, and to exercise, too. I was pleased to have Beverly B. tell me how much she liked my articles in The Breeze. Saw Judy K. at the clubhouse and decided to sign up to attend the Potluck Dinner on the twenty-eighth.
Went over to Marge's after lunch and we had a good talk. Fred is still recovering from his heart surgery, but looks pretty good. Marge herself seems very frail. I drove the car over and after, went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Got new bathroom rugs for the master bath. I've had the old ones--black--for years. The large one in front of the double sinks finally gave up the ghost and so did a smaller one. I decided on purple--there's a lot of white in the room--and I think they'll look terrific. Found towels on clearance that are white with purple trim and got those, too. Well, as long as I'm spending--got a bath mat, also in purple, that is billed as the greatest thing since sliced baloney.
Mary Ann Van O. called and will come with Susan, Barb, Lois, and me to see Zelda on the thirteenth, and to lunch first.
Dress rehearsal tonight. We'll meet for the first time at Frog Pond School; it'll be good to finally rehearse where the play will actually be performed.
WIDER: I'm getting less and less complacent about the news from Japan. Here's what Harvey Wasserman has to say:

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...