Thursday, April 28, 2011

Got the A.C. in the car fixed in the morning, I'm happy to say. It wasn't as expensive as I'd thought it would be. Cut back the two growing-wild Montauk daisies in the front, which I should have done in the fall. I'm going to have to do some serious cleaning up out there before too long; every spring, it seems to suddenly become overgrown and weed-ridden.
Was glad to get a web cam call from P. and N., who are doing okay. Got one yesterday from Mike and the little girls; my Easter gifts finally came, three days late.
Started a new article for The Breeze on my postcard collection and I hope to interest others in writing about(or having me write about)their collection.
Got a call from Desi, asking if I had heard anything about Sid S., who's been seriously ill lately. Sid appeared in Blithe Spirit most recently and before that, in Deathtrap; he lives in Sunrise Bay and I like him and his wife so much. I called Jim N., as I know he's a friend of Sid's, and found he's been hospitalized for internal bleeding, a recurring problem, I'm afraid. Called Desi back and also, Frank next door, as he had told Desi. Whenever this kind of thing happens--often--I realize it's natural in an over-55 community. Kind of depressing, but at the same time, it brings home to me how closely-knit and concerned my neighbors are here.
Along the same lines: After I came in from the store, I got a call from friend, Marge. She had fallen and hurt her coccyx--that is, her tailbone. She asked if I still had Pat's transport chair, as she had a doctor's appointment in a few hours and could hardly walk. I don't, as I lent to Libby's husband, so I called around. Found nobody home, but was reminded the clubhouse has some to lend. Drove over, picked up a reasonably light one, and got it to Marge, who was so grateful. Offered to go with her to the doctor, but her son-in-law (who just lost his high-paying job) was coming.
Going to the pricey Coldwater Creek store with the other models to pick out clothes we'll be wearing at the Women's Club luncheon next month.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...