Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still winding down. Tried to argue myself into skipping the morning walk (Susan was having a medical procedure), but didn't allow such slacking off, so went. Spent most of the rest of the day writing a piece for The Breeze about my mother's early life. It's mediocre, I'm afraid--the article, that is, not my mother's early life.
Found the entire script for Night Must Fall, which we're doing in September, on-line and spoke Mrs. Bramson's part. Decided to audition also for the housekeeper's part. I also bought the script (three bucks) via eBay. Went to the library and did some wash. Aside from that, nuttin' much.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Ho, ho--"went to the library and did some wash." Guess I also read a book in the dryer--uh, never mind.


Instead of taking my usual sandwich when I meet Diane for lib lunch, I made a salad. Walked over the footbridge, dropped the book off at the...