Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On a gloriously warm and sunny day, Susan and I walked with light jackets, then I went to exercise at the clubhouse. Changed my bed and did some other wash. Talked to sister-in-law Regina and we made a date for lunch today. Got an e-mail from Mary Ellen M.; I'll be spending the weekend with her in her Philadelphia townhouse; not sure exactly what time I'll go up on Friday, as she has a closing some time early in the day. Son P. sent me a link to a musical version of Our Town, of all things. It stars, incredibly, Frank Sinatra, complete with his Hoboken, New Joisey accent, as the stage manager, and he sings some of it. Watched some and can't wait to witness the rest. This was a T.V. production and P. mentioned he didn't think it was re-run. No surprise there, I guess.
Called Betty and suggested I bring my lunch and we'd eat on her porch. Stopped at the supermarket to pick up a sandwich, bought a six-pack of Bud, and zipped down there. Greatly enjoyed our little get-together, as I always do. On the way home, I stopped at Produce Junction and bought some pretty pink tulips, then went to the cemetery and tidied up a bit. An ordinary day, but a good one.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...