Thursday, April 14, 2011

I now consider myself a candidate for SAINTHOOD. Fighting down the inner voice that told me to skip exercise, I completed the three-mile once again yesterday. I'm so virtuous I can hardly stand myself.
Mary Ann Van O. picked up Susan, Barb H., and me at noon and we had lunch at Dynasty. Very tasty Caesar salad. We then went to the library where Lois V. joined us. Enjoyed an actress from Mass., who impersonated Zelda Fitzgerald and very nicely, too. Talked to her after and told her about LETCO. Very enjoyable afternoon.
Decided at the last minute to attend the director workshop last night. Did so, and brought a short play, If Guys Were Gals I wrote some time ago. I had intended to give it to Marge D. for our Sunrise Bay Players, but decided I could stage it for our one-act play program in the summer. We read the others--only Casey B. and I submitted original pieces--and I guess I'll participate. Have just about decided to go with brother Larry and family on the cruise to Mexico in June, but I'll have time to direct and rehearse before and after.
WIDER: Thanks to my friend, Pat R., for putting me on to the blog, "Buckeye Surgeon":
Here's a sample to illustrate why I've added him to my "Favorites" list:
" we are sitting on the greatest military arsenal the world has ever seen. American military spending in 2010 was over $650 billion. That's 7 times more than the second highest national military budget (China). All this ordnance and material that, which each passing year, becomes more and more obsolete, necessitating even more spending in the future---might as well use it whenever a vaguely justifiable reason develops somewhere in the world, right?"
I'll be checking in with him everyday.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Hi Rosemary,
Actress, writer, playwright, director and energizer bunny. You are a woman of many talents. That South Jersey community is fortunate to have you among its residents. I hope one day to see you perform. It sounds like you're having lots of fun. I think it's great.

Buckeye surgeon doesn't post everyday anymore, and some of his posts are obviously surgical stuff, but I always like whatever he writes. Glad you like him too.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...