Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why can't other medical organizations be like Atlantic Imaging? My mammogram appointment was at 8:00 and I was finished and in my car at 8:17. Very efficient. I was so early for my 9:00 breakfast with Betty, in fact, that I had time to stop at Produce Junction. Got lettuce, tomatoes, butternut squash, rutabagas, and mushrooms. Impulsively bought a lily plant for Betty, too.
Back up the road at Shore Diner, we both had oatmeal and a pleasant, sisterly visit. Stopped at the cemetery on the way home.
Was able to get a session at the hairdressers at 1:00 and,as ever, Leann did a nice job on color and cut.
Had rehearsal last night. We were to do a full run, but got so bogged down on Act One, only completed two of three. Will meet again tonight to go over last act. Desi S., our artistic director, asked me again if I'd direct a one act play for upcoming productions. Can't decide if I really want to get into that, but said I'd let him know at the end of the month.


iloveac said...

I would think directing the one act play would be something you'd really enjoy. Wow, Desi must recognize your talents or he wouldn't have suggested it. I assume there can be additional headaches involved dealing with the actors' personalities, but a one act play might be perfect for you.

Mimi said...

Pat, I directed a number of the sketches I wrote for our own theatre group (readers' theatre) and it was enjoyable to an extent. I disliked the arguments I got from some of the players; I don't mean honest disagreements, which I'm always glad to discuss. From what I've seen, though, that doesn't happen with the members of LETCO, who are more professional.
However, it does take time and I've got quite a bit on my plate now. Still mulling it over.

iloveac said...

Well everything on your plate is what you put there or allowed to be there. So, time to prioritize....i.e. which things will give you the most satisfaction assuming you've plugged in enough time to do them.
1. 2. 3. 4 etc. There,
...problem solved. Maybe you have to allow for one small project you don't really want to do, but getting it out of the way will free up room on your plate for more enjoyable things. Now, to start giving myself the same advice...LOL.

Mimi said...

Hey, Pat, take another look at my comment above. I wasn't complaining about how much I have to do. I consciously decided to follow cetain activities that I enjoy, of course, but was considering whether to add directing. As I wrote today, the question is moot, as I've decided to go with my brother and family on the cruise.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...