Monday, March 14, 2011

Update: P. just called on the web cam. He and N. are doing all right, but there are scarce items and the supermarket near them is open only two hours a day. P.'s office was a mess, and they have some inconveniences, such as limited electricity, but nothing too major. The trains are still not running fully and he said Kyodo station, near where he lives and I stayed, is the last. Sixty or so others are not yet in service, so Kyodo Station is very crowded.
Had a wonderful weekend. We left on Saturday about 7:15 and got up to Middlebury Center close to 2 pm. It was so good to see J., N., and the four little boys. Was shown around the good-sized house and admired to scenery outside--farmland with a background of tree-covered hills; the two of us stayed in Wellsboro, about ten miles away. Played Uno Spin with J., J., and J. and greatly enjoyed it. We were then treated to a tour of significant places in Wellsboro, including the kids' school. It's a lovely little town, reminiscent of so many others in both N.J. and PA and, for all I know, Iowa and Nebraska.
We went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Had incredibly greasy, high-calorie cheese and pepperoni pizza, plus a Bud. Of course, a television had to be on the wall and little T. kept pointing to scenes of the earthquake and tsunami and drawing my attention to it.
After dinner, we all went back to our motel and went in the pool. It was in-doors and heated, of course, and the kids (and adults) loved it. We swam, splashed around, and sat for a time in the hot tub. It was great. Went back to our rooms, I said goodbye to the gang, and took a hot shower, fell into bed and slept great.
Yesterday, the two of us had oatmeal for breakfast at the Wellsboro Diner (an actual reconverted dining car, opened in 1939), then all eight of us reassembled at their place. We all went back into town and took a walking tour. Examined the statues in the park (Civil War and local dignitaries), meandered down Main Street, and looked in various stores. Stepped into the terrific Penn Wells hotel, built in 1969. We then stopped at the supermarket--presumably, the only one for miles around--and N. got cold cuts and so on. Went back to their house and had a good lunch. We said goodbye about 3:30 and started the long ride home. Ellen called when we were back in Jersey and it was good to talk to her. Got back a bit after 9:00 and I decided not to stay over, so drove home. I did sleep until 7:00 and didn't walk, but will go to exercise in a half hour.
What a great weekend. Just wish they lived closer.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...