Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Well, this is cute. I wrote a fair-sized post just now, pressed "publish" and got an error message: "tag is broken." Looked at help pages, but haven't been able to remedy it. Huh--I'll see if this will post.
It did, but when I tried to cut and paste the other, the same message came up.
Oh, the hell with it. I'm just going to record things very sketchily, as I use this as a journal for myself:
1. Got a good report on blood work, etc. from the doctor. She said my cholesterol, esp. the "good" kind is "beautiful."
2. E-mail, then phone call from Karen C. She was interviewed on Rider's radio. Made a date to meet for lunch next Friday.
3. Went to rehearsal last night. Went well and picked up new costume.
4. Betty will be here this morning and will stay overnight. We'll meet my friend, Ellen V., at Applebee's for lunch.
5. I seem to be spending a lot of time--too much--on this computer, but am not getting any more savvy.
6. I hope this posts!
Forgot to mention I went to the cemetery for the first time in--well, I guess since December. Pat's grave looks good, the shells and pinecones showing up well. I was delighted to see that at Jay's grave, the daffodils I planted last year are coming up.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should call Blogger!

Mimi said...

Good idea! They have some nerve not letting me post on my FREE blog. Actually, I think the problem was the picture yesterday--have removed it, I'm sorry to say.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...