Thursday, March 24, 2011

Went out in a cold, drizzly rain and put five of the lawn signs for Our Town in various places around--well, our town. Will get more tonight at rehearsal. Made a kind of lentil stew in the big crockpot and froze two containers of it; will eat the rest today. Also cooked up fingerling potatoes, chopped onions, and garlic in the small crockpot. Had some with arugula salad for lunch and will finish it today.
Spent some time copying and arranging on a board old family pictures. I'm going to use them for the library display window advertising, which I've reserved for April. It will concern the play, of course, and after, I'll change it to advertise LETCO.
I actually took a short nap--it was that kind of day. Awoke to get ready for rehearsal. We had to meet at the old municipal building--no heat,so we kept our coats on--and did Act III. It went pretty well and broke up early. Got a call from brother Jim, thanking me for sending him a copy of his eighth grade graduation program.
As for directing for LETCO: It turns out the question is moot. The dates are June 25 and July 9 and I've decided to take brother Larry's invitation and go on the cruise, so I won't be here.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...