Saturday, March 12, 2011

No time for much. Leaving in ten minutes to go way up to northern Pennsylvania to J. and N.'s. Can't wait to see the little boys.
Japanese earthquake more terrible even than thought. Son P. went to his office and found everything thrown on the floor, and things damaged. At least, though, they can be remedied. The people in the north have devastation all around.
Went down to Betty's yesterday. Saw old classmate (St. James AND Holy Spirit), Pat K. and her son-in-law, who are giving Betty estimates for her kitchen and bath renovation. Enjoyed that, then Betty and I went to a salad place in Margate for lunch, then to the Ventnor Historical Society to search for those long-ago pictures I organized for St. James. Tom H., volunteer, there and we had a nice time talking to him but no luck with pics. Stopped at St. James on the way home, but still they don't know where they are. Anne, in office, said if found, they'd be given to the St. James History area--or something. You mean, there is one? I never heard that before.
Lots of my relatives, neighbors, and friends called or e-mailed, concerned about the earthquake and P. and N. Others keep up with P.'s entries on Facebook. So good of them and I'm so glad I can report they're all right. Tried to Skype P. just now, but he wasn't there--and, I think, not on-line.

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