Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lots going on still. Bought a pair of "ballerinas" (black flats) which I used to wear when I was fourteen or so in 1902. Got home to finally galvanize myself and get some chores finished. Set a-simmering two veggie treats in the crock pots: cabbage and apples in one and carrots/onions/garlic in the other. Finally, at long last, activated my new TracPhone (why anybody would buy any other kind is beyond me). Then the phone rang and I heard a voice say, "You don't know who this is."
I didn't. Unbelievably, it was an old friend from Ewing. Mickey E.--real name, Michael Ann--and I had met as neighbors roughly 43 years ago, when we lived in the apartment on Concord Avenue and she right behind us. After a time, she and Art, and Pat and I bought homes near each other. She had three boys, was divorced, then moved to Arizona 16 years ago. We exchanged letters for a time, and Christmas cards, but she never had a computer and as these things happen, our contact dwindled over the years. She mentioned that the last time she heard from me, I had just returned from London; that was five years ago. She didn't even know Pat had died.
Of course, we exchanged information about our families. Two of her boys, the oldest now fifty had married and the younger is divorced. No grandchildren. The other son, the middle one, presumably still lives in Ewing, but she hasn't been in contact with him since she moved. Sad story, that. Mickey and I talked for more than an hour and vowed to stay in touch. It's got to be via old-fashioned means--snail mail and phone--but it will do me good to discipline myself to that.
After we hung up, I had some of the yummy veggies, then hopped into the shower and dressed for the St. Pat's Day Party. I had bought a six-pack of Heineken and borrowed Dennis' insulated carrier for the affair. Drove to Mary Ann's, then we went to the party. It was fun and good to be out and about. Got home after 9:00, skipped my popcorn and wine, and went right to bed.
Today is another busy one. I'm going to a peace vigil at 10:00, then Mary Ann's "Sunday At The Opera" at 1:30 to see Wagner's Tannenhausen which I understand is four and a half hours long! I may be the only one who stays for the whole thing, but hey, Mary Ann's a friend of mine and I'm a bitter ender.
WIDER: From John Caruso's "The Distant Ocean" blog:
"For those keeping score, the U.S. is currently waging war at varying levels in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. Which might seem discouraging, but on the other hand, just imagine how many countries we'd be bombing right now if we didn't have an anti-war Democrat in the White House...."
Yep, we're lucky the Peace Laureate is restraining himself.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...