Saturday, March 19, 2011

Susan and I walked at 6:30, as she was going up to Monmouth County for a dentist appointment. Got a web cam call from P. and N., went to exercise, tidied up, and got a few things at the store. Called sister Betty to see if she could meet for dinner and she accepted. Walked the three doors down to Leslie's at quarter of two and we went to the food pantry. I sub for regulars there when needed and actually enjoy it. Les and I were joined by another woman, Jackie S., who has MS, which manifests itself with a severe limp. Considering what it can do, she's lucky, I guess. We worked until 4, then I drove to the Shore Diner and met Betty at 5:00. We both had a vegetarian dinner--she, steamed veggies, I, veggies over rice--and good talk, of course. Was home by a bit after 7:00 and shortly after, got a web call from Mike, Vivian, and Violet, and of course, greatly enjoyed it.
Party at the clubhouse with Mary Ann Van O. this evening.
WIDER: This is the eighth anniversary of the war on Iraq. Here's a relevant post from Anti-War.Com:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...