Friday, January 14, 2011

Spent the first part of the day finishing up Breeze stuff. Still unable to send scanned pictures and we have a noon deadline, so I'm going to ask Mary to do it. Got two web cam call from Mike, firming up my plans for Asia and clarifying financial business.
Susan invited me to a dinner party on the 26th, so that should be fun.
Heard from Marilyn and we're going to meet for lunch down here at SeaOaks on the twenty-ninth.
Went to my first LETCO Board meeting at 6:00 and found myself appointed Publicity Chair. I've already got a lot going on, and hope I can handle this okay. After the meeting, auditions were held. I tried out for the Mrs. Soames role and--dunno why, but I'm afraid I really screwed up. They asked me to read the church scene, which isn't as meaty as others, and I was pretty bad. Asked if I could re-audition on Tuesday, and director Tonya said, "Okay, but you don't have to." Not sure if that means they want me for the part or it wouldn't do any good, but I'm not too optimistic. I don't know who else auditioned.
Well, the good part is, Ellen V. and I made a date for lunch next week. Earlier, Susan had invited me to a dinner party on the 26th, and I also heard from Marilyn. She and I will meet for lunch down here at SeaOaks on the twenty-ninth. Will attend the "Food, Friends, And Fun" dinner next Saturday, too. At least, my social calendar is filling up.
For the first time in months, I had trouble sleeping last night. Woke at 2:30 and didn't get back for an hour or more.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...