Monday, January 31, 2011

Enjoyed my (half) day with the little boys up north. Arrived about noon and an hour later, we had a big "brunch" (served in the middle of the day, but with traditional food) of scrambled eggs, bacon, swirl bread, orange juice, and coffee. I had brought salad and had ate it when I got there, but I indulged in a strip of bacon. Also brought with me the wonderful homemade cookies Barb D. had made and brought over right before Christmas. There was plenty left to freeze and I contributed them to the meal. Talk about unhealthy! And calories! But the important nourishment was being together.
The boys--so bright and imaginative--drew pictures, cut them out, and chattered away, as usual. Rest of the crowd discussed the move to upstate Pennsylvania. I was shown pictures of the house they rented; it's in a rural area, with broad fields and big mountains all around. I told them I'd drive up (five hours!) and visit when I got back from Asia and they were enthusiastic about that.
Stayed until a bit after 4:00 after telling Noelle I was available to help out today. At her request, I'll go up to try to keep the little ones occupied while she continues to pack.
Ellen called on the web cam and tried to reassure me about the weather. Oh, I hope she's right to be optimistic; I'm worrying my head off.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...