Friday, January 21, 2011

Got a bunch of errands run before my lunch with Ellen V. Stopped at the mayor's office to show article, got money at the bank, dropped donations (clothes, books, dishes) off at the Soch thrift Store, and left Fred's prescription at Wal-Mart. Enjoyed a long and leisurely lunch with Ellen, talking over Theatre Company matters, as well as personal stuff. Picked up Fred's completed prescription and dropped it off at the D.'s, then went home to relax--NOT!
I was amazed to get an e-mail from Vanguard "confirming" my transaction of 1/19/11. What transaction? Looked on the web site and saw that the $3500 I had had--I thought--transferred to my BOA account was back in my Vanguard account. Called, and after another 45 minutes, was told BOA had rejected the transfer because my account number there had been provided in error. NO, it was later confirmed, it was correct--now, why did BOA reject it? There was some question about the routing number, too.
The upshot of this continuing nightmare is that I have to contact BOA--I'm going to go there in person as soon as they open--and straighten the mess out. In the meantime, I have bills that remain unpaid--what a friggin' hassle and may all these financial jackals burn in hell--uh, except for one in the tropics....

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...