Friday, January 28, 2011

A fair amount of snow fell. Not sure how much, but maybe six inches. The trees were all etched out in snow, all along the branches and twigs, and it covered the ground like a beautiful, pure white blanket, so lovely, so serene, so...
I HATE IT! Wasn't able to walk for the second day in a row, but today should be okay. The service got the sidewalk and my driveway cleared by ten or so yesterday and I went to the produce store. Other than that, was stuck to the computer a lot of the day. Got the LETCO roster finished and sent it out. Started a new "Notes From A Vanished World" piece, and so on.
Talked to brother Jim in Virginia on the phone. He said they got nine inches.
Spent wasted time on the phone with Atlanticare, who said I owe them $100. After the usual frustrating phone calls, I found that yes, indeed, there's a fifty dollar A DAY surcharge when you're in the hospital. I sent them a check--not paying them on line, the blood suckers, let them wait--but also put a call into Mona M., benefits manager at Rider, to express my fury at this highway robbery.
Had the lentil soup/stew for lunch--'twas good--and had salmon for dinner, also good.
Going down to Ventnor today to buy gift candy, then to lunch with sister Betty. Lots of other errands to run, too, before my trip.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...