Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold still nagging, but I'm trying to ignore it. Finally, at long last, drove to the cemetery--I haven't been there for more than a month--and was pleased to see the wreath I have at Pat's grave was intact and on the stand. Decided to leave it, as it's not particularly Chritmasy, being just fir with a few pine cones (real, of course, I don't do artificial). Cleared some snow off the front. Went to Jay's and cleaned up a bit there, too. However, there'll be no need to water for some time once the snow melts, so not much to do to maintain.
I then zipped down to Boscov's and got myself a big soup pot, on sale for an incredible price. I want to make soup the old fashioned way--vegetable, probably--on the stove, not the crock pot.
Made myself tilipia and broccoli for dinner and was pleased to find I had no gastrointestinal problem with either. Made a date with Walter G. to come over today so I can interview him about his Canadian boyhood. I';; call it "Growing Up G----."

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