Sunday, January 30, 2011

Had a wonderful time with Marilyn. We met, as we had before, at SeaOaks, and discovered they had added to their lunch menu. We mulled over choices, finally deciding on beef stew, of all things. This came in a little ramekin with a side of garlic bread. Presentation was very attractive (yes, that means something to me) and the stew itself was okay.
Of course, our conversation was more than okay. We just talked and laughed and reminisced for two hours. Marilyn comes Canton, an hour away from where J., N., and the boys will be moving and we talked about that area of the country.
After we said goodbye, I drove to Wal-Mart to get my medication and pick up a few other things.
P. and N. called on the web cam in the morning (their evening), then Mike, Paula, and the girls at night (their morning). We talked over my Asian trip and what fun! The things I'm worried about,though, is the talk of a major storm coming in--on Wednesday,the day before I leave. Oh, pul-lease don't let that happen!


Pat said...

Not to worry...I just today read in the online AC press----
"Thursday marks the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, an animal on the Chinese zodiac freighted with good fortune..."
So, even if it snows Wednesday.....Thursday will be just fine.

Mimi said...

Oh, Pat, it's so-o-o comforting to get such scientific information!
If it turns out to be true, I'll abandon my Catholic heritage and follow Confucius. (Oh, wait a minute, I abandoned that years ago...)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...