Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good grief, it's eighteen degrees out! That brings to mind one of Pat's favorite sayings: "It's colder than a well-digger's ass in the Klondike."
It was frigid during our walk and what's more, although the roads are perfectly clear and we walk in the street, just getting the few feet to them is a hazard. The end of my driveway is a three-inch mound of ice, so I have to maneuver over the (snow-heaped) grass just to start.
Decided to do something about it and went over to Shop-Rite in Mays Landing to get "Melt Ice" or whatever it's called. Stopped first at Produce Junction and got yummy arugula, tomatoes, cauliflower, and broccoli (I'm delighted that the 'net info was dead wrong--I'm fine with my favorites, c. and b.)
Got home and spread the melt stuff, then chipped away at the ice with a snow shovel; at least cleared a narrow path that will get me to the street, I hope.
Managed to scan and send a picture, but only after about ten hour of trying. Wrote back and forth to Mike about finances and my trip.
Got a call from sister Betty inviting met to a movie and lunch next week with HSHS friends Mary H., Janie M.., and Moukie D. We'll go either Thursday or Friday.
Frank came over with a bag of garbage---ha, we always allow each other to use the other's trash cans when we go away, and also gave me a bag of veggies--wouldn't you know including a lot of tomatoes, which I just bought. However, I like them a lot and they won't go to waste.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I don't ever recall our sainted father using that expression. I only recall "Cold as hell" in winter and "hot as hell" in summer. Seriously.

Mimi said...

For heaven's sake, he used to say that EVERY WINTER. Can't imagine you don't remember it. Will poll your sibs.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...