Thursday, November 05, 2009

Went to my appointment in the morning with Dr. K., whom I like a lot. She takes the time to chat--yesterday we talked about chiggers (she's had them herself), politics (superficially, that is, but she's agreeably liberal), and the pleasures of picking wild blueberries, which you can find around here. I was pleased when she said my blood work results were "wonderful" compared to "ninety percent" (note that that's a direct quote) of her other patients my age. I credit my weight loss, combined with my level of physical activity for that. She did say my vitamin D level is slightly low, even though I'm out in the sun a lot. She advised me to take a supplement, which I picked up immediately. Aside from all that, the only real concern is my blood pressure, which was 138/90 yesterday and tends to run around that. I confessed my addiction to salt, she told me to get the 50 % less sodium kind, I did, and I hope that helps.
Met Frank at the library at 4:00 and we dressed the display window with info on Deathtrap. It looks okay, I guess, although I wish it had been possible to cover the rough background better.
Attended rehearsal at 6:00. It went all right, although Kathy, the director, wants me to work more on my Irish accent. I'm afraid I slip in and out of it; I find it very difficult. David, my "son" Bartley, was there for the first time.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Good news on the lab work Rosemary. I'm addicted to salt too. Not everyone is salt sensitive so I get away with it. Your systolic is fine...I bet the diastolic (bottom #) is not 90 all the time. You can check it yourself and keep a record of it.
Am very pleased the Vit D awareness is making it to the practitioners....research is showing our levels need to be even higher than the bottom normal of the current range.

The fact that you can walk/hike 7 miles puts you in the top percentile of most folks in your age group. You're a fine specimen RBM even if your Irish accent wanes from time to time.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...