Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Our little Scrabble club met at my place yesterday and we had a very enjoyable time. Julie, Barb, and Pat oohed and aahed over the new game I just bought. It's the "diamond anniversary edition" and comes in a carrying case, has grooved spaces for the tiles so they don't move around, and best of all, is on a swivel base, allowing the players more comfort and freedom in seeing what's available on the board.
Even more enjoyable than the game itself was our talk--okay, gossip--about neighborhood doings. Some of it reminded me of the old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" or whatever it is. None of us can stand a certain arrogant couple in our community and we passed a smug few minutes assuring each other that said couple should be boiled in oil or at least condemned to watch "American Idol" for the next century. (Okay, that last I just made up.)
Note: See additonal post for today above.

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