Sunday, November 15, 2009

The show last night attracted a sold-out crowd. We actually had to turn people away, suggesting that they return for the matinee today. Had a great time afterward at the cast party, which was held at Mary and Jim H.'s; Jim played the lead in Deathtrap. They have a big, beautiful house in the woods not far from here and the party was such fun. I didn't get home--get this--until 3 am and it's now quarter of six so, no, I didn't get much sleep. In fact, I'm a tad hung over, but it was worth it.
Matinee today, then it's over until our "Riders To The Sea"in--gulp!--less than two weeks.
Got a nice phone call from California brother, Frank, who will be in Baltimore next week and we made a date to "meet in the middle" on Thursday. He and Marybeth are "coming on" (used to be a common expression to denote travel) to see their new granddaughter.
Wider: Now all you cynics about our elected representatives, quit yer bitchin'. These fine, upstanding men and women have nothing but our welfare at heart, especially when it comes to providing us with quality medical care. From today's NYTimes:
"We were approached by the lobbyist, who asked if we would be willing to enter a statement in the Congressional Record. I asked him for a draft. I tweaked a couple of words. There’s not much reason to reinvent the wheel on a Congressional Record entry."STANLEY V. WHITE, chief of staff for Representative Robert A. Brady of Pennsylvania, one of dozens of lawmakers who used speeches ghostwritten by a biotechnology company during the health-care debate in the House."
And don't think for a minute our UN-elected officials don't care about our sensitives, too. According to Truthout, to protect us,
"...Secretary Gates has blocked the release of photographs depicting US soldiers abusing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, invoking new powers just granted to him by Congress that allows him to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and keep the images under wraps on national security grounds."
Whew! I hope we all appreciate our leaders' vigilance.


iloveac said...

I really chuckled when I read this. Last night as I was going to sleep I thought to myself here it is 1:30AM, and I'm just now going to sleep. I bet Rosemary has been stacking zzzzz since 9PM. Then to read today you were out partying till near 3AM really broke me up. I'm glad you had a great time, and hopefully your phone didn't wake you during the day today while you were trying to sleep before the least I hope you were able to grab a few extra hours.
You are a dynamo.

Mimi said...

Pat, I never did nap before the matinee--had to run a few errands, shower, etc., so the three hours are all I got. I'm feeling good, though, and will now leave for our walk, then jump into my other activities for the day.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...