Tuesday, November 03, 2009

'Twas a housework day. Considering I'm hosting (or is it "hostessing"?) our Scrabble group, I thought it would be a good idea to clean up a little. Early on, though, I went to the supermarket and to the library to check out the display window where I'll put the Deathtrap information. I'll wait until tomorrow when Frank can help me, as there's some glass shelving I want to readjust and it's pretty heavy.
Director Kathy called to say that Lucille, our fellow actor in Riders, had been exposed to the Swine Flu, so wanted to be sure she didn't come down with it before being with others. The upshot was that rehearsal was cancelled, which was fine with me, as it was at Kathy's on LBI. We'll still meet at the Gifford Road facility tomorrow; David, my "son," will be there for the first time.
Wider: Today is election day for our governer and various other thieves and swindlers. As we've done before, Susan and I will stop in to vote at the clubhouse during our morning walk. I wish they'd add a "none of the above" choice, or better yet, one for "turn them all out, the scoundrels," but no such luck. I sure as hell won't support the dems or the repubs. There's an "independent" named Daggett running. I have no idea--and no interest in learning--what he stands for, but I'm amused by his name. It puts me in mind of some hayseed saying, "dag nab it" in a comical way. That's as good a reason as any to vote for somebody, it seems to me, so that's what I'll do.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...