Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rehearsal last night. It seemed a shambles to me, but I'm heartened by the fact that I've read major productions often run very rough until just before opening. Hope that holds true for us, as our opening is also our closing--it's a one-time deal.
Jim and Franklin, who will carry Dave in as a corpse (well, it's just too long and involved to explain), were there. LETCO's board meeting followed, so Desi, Tara, and the other big guns sat in for part of it. They were complimentary, but I'm not sure if that was to shore up our confidence, or what.
Earlier, I thought my TracPhone had died (it didn't, it was the outlet, but I'll skip that boring tale) and I went to Wal-Mart to buy another. Incredibly, it was only $14.88 and I could transfer my old minutes (same number, of course). It also comes with "double minutes" when I have to buy them. I can't understand why people pay such unbelievably high monthly charges for cell phones. All I want is for the damn thing to send and receive calls. It does and perfectly well. I'm satisfied and I pay mere peanuts every once in a while to add minutes. End of story.
Spoke to Joel and A.; we'll celebrate A.'s birthday on Sunday at her place, as it's easier for the kids to get there. She's making lasagna and I said I'd bring everything else, including the cake, of course.
I'm meeting California brother and SIL Frank and Marybeth today for lunch; they're in Baltimore to meet their new granddaughter. We'll meet at the Christiana Mall in Delaware, 104 miles away for me, so I want to get an early start.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

We use tracfones too, and use them only for urgent calls. We never chat. I don't know how to text, and don't want to learn. I never understood how folks chat on their phones while shopping etc.
Regarding your upcoming play,
I had an idea yesterday and you may already be doing this. When you practice your part, could you do it in front of your webcam? Then you could replay it and see how you are doing. If you do....remember to look into the camera's eye for those parts where you want to look at the audience.
Have a great visit with Frank and Marybeth.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...