Friday, November 13, 2009

Went to the dress rehearsal for Deathtrap last night. What a great show! Just for openers, the set is spectacular. It's on ground level, with about six rows of audience seats directly in front. However, there's also a raised tier of seats, so viewing is much more convenient than it had been. And the new seats are padded--what a luxury.
Only LETCO members, and only a few of them, were invited to be spectators. It was a dreadfully rainy, windy night, which probably accounted for the fact that there were only five and I knew four of them. Margie and Franklin were in the acting workshop with me; Marge was in Plaza Suite last year and Franklin is on the board.
The play itself is full of murder, mayhem, plot twists, intrigue, and all kinds of other hi-jinks. Jim H. played the main character and a new young guy, Andrew Somebody, the second lead. Andrea B., with whom I acted in the murder mystery shows, is the wife, and Tara C., who directed the acting workshop, has a key role. My neighbor, Sid S., has a small, but meaty part, as the lawyer. All were superb and everything came off perfectly.
Didn't get home until after ten and had my wine and popcorn. Thought I might "sleep in" (where did that idiotic expression ever come from? You're really saying, 'sleep late," fer cryin' out loud--of course you're sleeping 'in' unless you're camping in a field or something!) today, but I got up and got my walk with Susan in, notwithstanding the practically monsoon-style rain and wind.
(Oh, what's that, Sister Gabrielle, a run-on sentence AND too many of the wordy asides I favor, AND the constant, annoying use of emphasis--italics, dashes, capitals--sprinkled throughout? Don't care, if it's in the language, I'll use it and look for more. It's how I write and who I am.)
Wider: A gem from Justin Raimondo at
"We can have an empire, or we can have our old republic back. We cannot have both."
But the whole--"The Winds Of Change Die Down"--should be read. In fact, Raimondo and should be read everyday. Go here:

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