Friday, November 20, 2009

Had a terrifically enjoyable time with Frank and Marybeth in Delaware. At my suggestion, we met at Ruby Tuesday's in the gigantic Christiana Mall. Being geographically challenged, I thought it was about halfway from my place and Balitmore, but it was 104 miles for me and 63 for them. No matter, I had no problem getting there, in fact, was an hour early. I was delighted to find that Susan came, too, and brought along little Kelan, 13 months, and Gabrielle, 3 weeks.
What beautiful children! Kelan is such a sweet-natured little boy and so funny as he concentrated on sampling his grandmother's mashed potatoes and chewing on any items within reach. Gabrielle didn't say much, but clearly made her needs known.
Had a leisurely meal and, of course, never ran out of conversation. I tried out my Irish accent on Marybeth and she declared I sounded as if I had grown up with her in the ould country. Frank asked if we could stop at their place in Alameda on the way back from Tahoe next month; hope so and I'll discuss that with Ellen. We caught up on the comings and goings of our children and other family members, and just had a fine time.
Didn't get home until almost 6:00--I think I took the long way back--but except for a few sprinkles, the rain held off, so that was all right. Skipped a regular dinner (the hamburger I had for lunch was dripping with grease and calories--oh, divine!) and just had broccoli.
Wonderful day, wonderful family, and lucky me to be part of it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...